Assessment Evaluation


The kindergarten students are evaluated twice a year. The evaluations are conducted in a friendly manner and both oral and written skills are tested.

Classes 1 – 7

We follow a two-semester system for Classes 1 to 7.

Two formative assessments (FA) are conducted in each semester along with one summative assessment (SA). The summative assessment is used to test the student on the portions of the entire semester. Apart from this, chapter-wise revisions and surprise-quizzes are held periodically.

Participation in group activities, skilled activities, physical education and students’ interaction during moral education classes are also considered during evaluation.

Classes 8 – 9

We follow a two-semester system for Classes 8 and 9 as well.

Evaluation is done based on the performance of half-yearly and annual examinations (summative assessments) along with periodic internal assessment (formative assessments). Grades are awarded as per the norms prescribed by the Karnataka State Education Board.

The evaluation includes assessment of project works in languages, mathematics, general science and social science. Participation in group activities, skilled activities, physical education and students’ interaction during moral education classes are also considered during evaluation.

Class 10

We have a rigorous SSLC training and coaching system. You can find more information here

Regular parents teacher meetings (PTM) are held after each formative and summative assessment.